Tuesday 27 August 2013

Life at Sundarban

Sundarban is well known for its Royal Bengal Tiger. It's the Largest Single Block of Tidal Mangrove Forest in the World. It's a UNESCO World Heritage Site Including Bangladesh and Southern Part of Indian State West Bengal.

The Name Sundarban Can is Literally Translated as "Beautiful Forest" in the Bengali Language. (Sundor,” Beautiful", and Bon,"Forest”). The Name have been Derived from the Sundari Trees that are found in Sundarbans In Large Numbers.Besides Sundari,other Spceics that Makeup the Forest Include-Gewa, Goran, Hental etc.

The Fauna of the Sanctuary is Very Diverse with Some 40 Species of Mammals, 260 Species of Birds and 35 Species of Reptiles. The Greatest of these being the Royal Bengal Tiger of Which an Estimated 350 Remain in the Bangladesh Sundarbans. Other Large Mammals are Wild Boar, Chital Horin(Spotted Deer) Indian Monkey and Others. Five Species of Marina Turtles the Coastal Zone and two endangered Reptiles are present the Estuarine Crocodile and the Indian Python.


The Honey-Collectors Travel through Muddy Saltwater Rivers, Creeks and Narrow channels. The Sundarban Fishermen Pray to the Forest Goddess "Bonbibi". Who they Believe will Protect them from Tigers and Other Dangers. With no Other Jobs on Offer, it seems these Fishermen from the Sundarbans have Little Option than to Carry on with One of the Most Dangerous Proffessions in the World.


Some of the reptiles are Predators too including two Species of Crocodiles the Saltwater Crocodiles and Mugger Crocodiles as well as the Gharial all of which hunt on both land and Water. Sharks and the Gangetic Dolphins roam the Waterways.



The Sundarbans  provides a unique ecosystem and a Colorful wildlife Picture, Such as Fishing Cats, Macaque Monkeys, wild boars, Common Gary, Mongooses,  Foxes, Jungle Cats, Flying Foxes, Pangolins, are also found.


One of the most interesting fish in the Sundarban area is the Mudskipper that Climbs out of the water into Mudflats and even climbs Trees.